Institutional Investing
Here at VG Global Holdings we have a wealth of experience in operating in institutional investments, and we have a long and successful track record in working with institutional entities and high net worth or accredited investors. We have an extensive range of funds specifically designed for high net worth investors and institutional clients. We can offer our clients high-return investment opportunities through Hedge Funds, Mergers & Acquisitions, Equity-Capital Markets and Fixed-Income Markets, as well as Derivative Products and Forex Solutions.
We have a long-standing global presence in all the major sectors across the whole spectrum, and we adopt a meticulous investment discipline combined with a thorough and comprehensive analytics dissection. We also offer strategic guidance, credit analysis, and a risk liability assessment, in order to provide our accredited clients with a wide range of institutional solutions. We understand that our institutional clients each have an eclectic investment strategy and we ensure that we provide the appropriate investment opportunity for each individual client.
We can provide investment opportunities in:
- Private Equity Investing
- Managed Hedge Funds
- Company Mergers
- Company Demergers
- Leveraged Buyouts
- Acquisitions & Tender Offers
- Derivative Products
- Forex Options
Please contact us for a free consultation with one of our Financial Consultants
We adopt a multi-layered investment philosophy, while always aiming to improve our own performance in order to offer a fully comprehensive and successful service to our clients.